Memory Plus IntelliGame

by 3H Learning Private Limited



Memory Plus App‘Ability-to-Remember’, ie. ‘Memory’, plays a vital role in everybodys success.‘Memory’ is actually a combination of 3 things.• In-take• Retention • RecallThe capability to absorb data more and more, retaining them in a structured format, and the ability to recall them when one wants, is what ‘memory’ is all about. This capability helps us in all walks of our life! How can one develop a ‘strong-memory’?‘Muscles’ can be built with proper exercises in a gym. Similarly, one’s ‘memory’ can also be developed thru’ training. With proper dedication and care, anyone can develop their concentration power and memory.Isn’t it a very boring activity to develop / build one’s memory?Actually, it can be ‘fun’, as in the case of ‘Memory- Plus’ from 3H Learning!The ‘Secret’, is in making the process interesting and at the same time fun filled.While the participants play the APP, unconsciously they develop strong memory – that is where in lies the design success of the APP.Who can best benefit from this App? Kids or Adults?Memory Plus helps both Kids as well as Adults – it is suitable for anybody who is interested in developing a strong memory. Benefits for Adults: This APP helps them to build their retention and recall capabilities. When Adults play with their own children, it is not uncommon to find the Parents on the losing side. This happens due to their pre-occupation and busy schedules. Initially, they may find it difficult to even keep pace with their own kids. However, slowly they will be able to concentrate better and start competing when the game proceeds to higher levels. Remember – Your child’s ‘Self-Esteem’ grows when they win! Benefits for Kids: This APP serves 3 purposes: Learning new names/itemsReinforce learningMemory developmentWhile the new items / names learnt form the basis of further learning years at school, the ability to absorb, retain, and recall helps them immensely in all spheres of their life in the future. The best part is that both adults and the kids enjoy the fun way of developing their ‘Memory’!Game based memory to incread a memory